Category: Compensation

College Campus
Jun 23, 2024
Regional Disparities in 2024 Higher Education Salaries: A Comparative Study

In 2024, the higher education landscape is marked by significant regional disparities in faculty salaries. These variations reflect differences in cost of living, institutional funding, and local economic conditions. Understanding these disparities is crucial for prospective faculty, administrators, and policymakers aiming to ensure equitable compensation across the country.   Overview of Regional Salary Variations Faculty […]

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College Professor
Jun 13, 2024
Adjunct vs. Tenured Faculty: 2024 Salary Trends and Implications for Career Paths

In 2024, the salary trends for adjunct and tenured faculty in higher education reflect a growing disparity that has significant implications for career paths in academia. As institutions grapple with budget constraints and evolving educational models, the differences in compensation and job security between these two groups of faculty are becoming increasingly pronounced. The State […]

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College Professor
Apr 30, 2024
Higher Education Salary Growth in 2023 Surpasses Pandemic-Era Inflation

New insights from a recent study conducted by CUPA-HR shed light on the salary landscape within higher education for the 2023-24 period. Notably, median pay increases continued their upward trajectory from the previous year, surpassing the inflation rate for the first time since 2019-20. Nevertheless, despite this positive trend, many employees in higher education are […]

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Workers Compensation Cost
Aug 09, 2023
Highlights from the ECEC Worker Compensation Cost Report

In March 2023, state and local government organizations spent an average of $58 an hour in staff wages and benefits, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). Their civilian and private sector counterparts managed $43.07 and $40.79 per hour respectively in worker compensation.  Management, business, and financial professions attracted the highest mean hourly earnings […]

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Compensation Increases
Jul 05, 2023
2023 Compensation Increases: The Largest Since the 2008 Financial Crisis

The year 2023 has brought significant positive news for employees across several industries. After the 2008 financial crisis, compensation increases, including salary raises, bonuses, and benefits, are being reported. This resurgence in compensation growth marks a milestone in the post-recession recovery and reflects the growing strength and stability of the global economy. Continue reading this […]

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factors that affect compensation
May 03, 2023
8 Key Factors That Affect Compensation

Compensation is a crucial factor in attracting, retaining, and motivating employees. It is the payment or remuneration given to employees in exchange for the services they render. The amount of compensation that an employee receives depends on various factors, and understanding these factors is essential for employers to design fair and competitive compensation packages. In […]

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Shifting Compensation Costs
Jul 20, 2022
Shifting Compensation Costs in the Los Angeles Metropolitan Area: An Overview

Workers for private companies in the Los Angeles Metropolitan Area saw wage increases for a 12-month period ending March 2022. This increase was reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), a division of the U.S. Department of Labor. The 5.2 percent compensation gain overshadows the previous year’s report of a 4.2 percent increase in […]

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New Faculty Compensation Model
Jul 13, 2022
Introducing a New Model for Faculty Compensation

Schools are facing a metamorphosis in the fallout of the pandemic involving teacher pay. Innovative schools have led the way toward a new faculty compensation model. Here’s a look at how Graland Country Day School in Denver, Colorado, has pioneered a new model that improves the education system for teachers and students. Need to Update […]

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Compensation and Benefits
Apr 13, 2022
6 Ways to Win and Retain the Best Employees with Compensation

In today’s job market, it isn’t easy to find and retain great candidates. Moreover, the quit rate levels remain high as employees seek better prospects. Also, as the American population ages, the labor force participation rate is declining. Therefore, to acquire and retain the best talent, you need an effective talent acquisition strategy. Benefits and […]

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Best Practices for Sustainable Employee Salary Increases
Mar 10, 2022
Best Practices for Sustainable Employee Salary Increases

While pay hikes make for loyal employees, they can affect your bottom line. So, which compensation components should you increase or add (and how often) to keep your team happy and remain profitable? Here are some practical suggestions for small business owners. Select the Right Compensation Mix Choose a compensation mix to offer your employees […]

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